If we must achieve our aim and objectives of good moral, Christian character training, excellence in academics and sports, we must be disciplined; management, staff, parents and students alike.

Here are some simple rules and regulations:

  • Every student must be punctual to school daily
  • Students must not absent themselves from school without informing school authority
  • Bullying, fighting of flogging of fellow students is not allowed in school
  • Cleanliness is a great virtue. Students must use waste bins and not litter their classrooms or surroundings
  • Students should take pride in their school and not deface the school walls with writings on the walls
  • Stealing is a serious offence and may lead to expulsion from the school
  • No student should leave the school compound during school hours without permission
  • Students are expected to participate fully in all school activities
  • No student may insult or abuse any teacher for any reason at all times
  • School prefects must be respected and obeyed
  • No student may fly his shirt in school or out of school
  • Student MUST leave the school compound at the close of the day and head straight home.
  • All fees must be paid within the first two weeks of the term into the designated bank
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